bully trumpAmerica is the most hated country in the world and some people (especially some Americans) wonder why? Well, personally, I don’t hate America because I still believe there are some good people living in America today. However, that is not to say I love America. To be honest with you, other than the lack of love and compassion, I think America is perhaps the number one problem facing the world today. Yes, America is the number one problem facing the poor and the weak in the world today and it is no secret America is the number problem facing almost every third world country today.  Someone may ask why? Well, it is because America is a hypocrite. America destroys and then pretends to help rebuild.

America is like that big fat bully in your grade school. America is like that ugly bully who always pushed you to the floor while everyone stood by and watched. America is like that ugly bully who always hid in the bushes, ambushed you, took your lunch money and in addition to that, gave you the beating of your life. America is like that ugly son of a b*tch who always insulted you and made fun of your family and the people around you. America is like that spoilt brat in your school who even the teachers were afraid of. America is like that spoilt brat who always ridiculed and made fun of your shoes, your clothes, and even your haircut. America is like that bully and spoilt brat who looked down on everyone else and made you appear so small.

Yes America is the most hated country in the world and it is because, Americans are the only people in the world who can just wake up one day and decide to attack other sovereign nations without anyone questioning them. America is the only country that even the United Nations is afraid of. America is the only country in the world with the power and the authority to invade poor third world countries, kill their leaders, butcher several innocent people including tiny little babies, take over their resources, without anyone questioning them. America is the only country in the world with the power and the authority to tweak the market rules and regulations and force opponents to the bargain table, sometimes with bullets in the heads, without any questions asked. But that is not to say I hate America. Why? Well, it is because I know that, deep down in the heart and soul of every bully, lies some traces of goodness.

A friend of mine asked me an unexpected question some days ago. We were discussing the craziness of Trump’s America and out of the blue, he dropped the question. What if Trump dies today? Will that in anyway fix things for America? I simply answered NO. Nothing at all would change. Why? Well, Trump is just the embodiment of what some people in America feel and think and those feelings and thoughts would not simply disappear with the death of Trump. There would still be people like Giuliani around. There would still be liars and hypocrites like Sean Hannity and Alex jones around who would continue to tap into the fears of the people by spinning false rumors and conspiracy theories all for financial gains.

The KKK was there before Trump and it would surely continue after Trump. Rape, Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc., were all there before Trump and would surely continue after Trump. Trump is just the embodiment of all these behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. It is rather unfortunate that such evil acts, feelings, and thoughts have grown so wild in America to the point of being able to produce a president. That is what I am worried about and not just Trump and his crazy behavior. No matter how well Trump performs as president, the harm has already been done

I am a proud anti-Trump because I see nothing good in Trump. In fact, none of the people around me likes Trump. We think Trump is a con-artist and a very good one at that. However, we don’t see Trump as the main problem. In fact, the roots of the problem go deeper than Trump and deeper than even the current generation. Trump is just the fruits of this mighty tree of fears, lies, deceit, bullying, sexism, racism, etc. We may pluck all those evil fruits and cut all those evil branches down. We may even cut the trunk of this mighty tree down. However, as long as the roots remain alive and well, the tree will some day rise again and bear even more evil fruits than there were before. The only solution I see is the destruction of the roots. Set fire around the base of the tree and boil those roots. That will bring the tree down for good. The only positive and permanent fix I see is the psychological death of Trump’s America.

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