The World Bank and the IMF (the International Monetary Fund) were set up during the end of the Second World War to rebuild the economies of Europe. However, in order for the world bank and the IMF to implement their policies, they (the world bank and the IMF) began offering loans to poor countries but only if the poor countries privatized their economies and allowed western corporations free

Not long ago, many of us (Africans back home) only saw Chinese people in "Kung fu" martial arts movies. We learned about China through characters like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. It may surprise you to know however that, over a million Chinese investors have permanently settled in Africa today with their families.
They (the Chinese investors) are coming with their families not because they love
Every great empire has longed for ownership of Africa for the same basic reasons. Africa is the most profitable corner of the world. In other words, no empire can grow, prosper and sustain itself without some “Africa”.
Africa’s unimaginable treasures, minerals and raw materials are the “backbone” on which empires grow and flourish. And talking about treasures, minerals and raw materials, it may
Some writers and analysts often go to the extent of listing our problems by bullet points. However, the problems and challenges facing Africa today go far beyond bullet points. In fact, they are quite interconnected.
There is poverty in Africa today and there is hunger. There is rampant corruption all across the continent. Terrorism is taking over parts of the continent and there is insecurity
France is Africa’s never-ending nightmare. The pain and destruction France has caused Africa is quite untold. To the French elites of yesterday and today, Africa as a continent is nothing but an “uncivilized” colony that needs to be civilized.
As French president Emmanuel Macron recently made clear, to France, Africa has a “civilizational problem” and France cannot abandon Africa. In fact
The nuclear bomb America dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, instantly killed over 65,000 people and injured about 70,000 others. Also, the bomb flattened buildings and destroyed about 70% of Hiroshima's infrastructure. Hiroshima was a thriving Japanese city with a population of about 255,000 people.
Another nuclear bomb dropped on Negasaki, another Japanese city, 3 days later on August 9