Fertile fields, thriving crops, high quality and plentiful yields, healthy and numerous cattle, financial security, good education for the children, a better home, a better life for all. The African land can provide all these and much more to the hardworking smallholder African farmer, the large scale African farmer, entire countries, Africa as a continent, and even the world at large.The

America's war on trade injustice is quite hypocritical in the sense that, the biggest bully as far as trade injustice is concerned, is America. No continent on earth has suffered from trade injustice more than Africa, and no super power has bullied Africa in trade deals more than America.
Whenever cheap foreign goods flood local markets, local industries struggle to compete and many local
Africa is a continent of over 1.2 billion people yet Africa has very little to no say at all when it comes to trade agreements and world marketing issues. Africa is the "engine" of the world yet Africa has no say at all on some of the toughest issues facing the world today. Without Africa, the world would go "bankrupt" yet Africa continues to wallow in poverty. Although there's been some great
Almost everybody loves chocolate. Children love it and adults love it. In fact, chocolate makes the world go round. A cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter morning may be all you need to get your day started. Some little bar of chocolate in the afternoon may be all you need to keep your day going and nothing is sweeter than some little chocolate in the middle of the night.
Because the
Almost everybody loves chocolate. Chocolate bars taste really good and there is nothing like a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter morning. Whether Lindt, Mars, Hershey bars, M&Ms, Haribo, Ferrero, Mondelez, Perfetti, Meiji bars, Nestle chocolate bars, Groupo Bimbo chocolate bars, etc., one thing is certain; they all taste great. Babies and toddlers, pre-teens and teens, adults, parents
There is strength in numbers and Africa has numbers. The only problem is that, Africa failed to put those numbers to good use. The good news however is that, it is never too late and Africa is awakening faster than we could all imagine. In fact, many Africans are beginning to realize the strength and power in numbers. Africa has begun taking some bold but crucial initial steps and it is all for